Hi to you all, it is now Summer 2022. We scraped through lockdown and have still retained the shop hurrah! I keep stating 'we' when I mean 'I' but I do have the lovelies to help me out so they are the 'we'. I'm prattling on.
So this month we have added alot of Bamboo wardrobe to the store which is Bamboo Organic Clothing and sized. These pieces are all lined and so popular with everyone, so pleased to stock this brand and just love it all.
Also tadah.. shoes are being slowly introduced in store only at the moment. I will see how they go as to be honest I don't really have the space for boxes of shoes so a small range to start and I will figure something out.
Thankyou to every lady who supports the shop it is a crazy environment coffee shop hub style atmosphere and I appreciate every single person who walks in even, if it is just to use the loo or ask for directions. Every day is different.
Tonnes of jewellery as usual some online most in store.
Kimonos sooo...popular three different styles and price tags they are brilliant teamed with absolutely anything added bonus they cover the arms but as I always say no one walks down the road looking at peoples arms so who cares about arms anyway! (Or knees or ankles) favourite dandelion wishes kimono below looks fab with jeans.
Thanks for reading and please pop in say HI if in the area.. Sarah x